HR Audits...beyond business as usual
- Written by Gary Watkins
- Published in Articles
HR Audits...beyond business as usual
Carol o'Brien...Editor
'So who had the bright idea in the first place?' The answer to this question is in the SABPP's [SA Board for People Practices] HR Audit Tribune which was published in September 2015.
"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
Victor Hugo...French Poet & Novelist
Collaboration is key to the internal and external journey that led to the 2013 launch of the SA National HR Standards, and to the establishment of the SABPP's HR Audit Unit in 2014. Theevolutionary journey of Meyer's idea included key roleplayers such as Dr Penny Abbott - Head of the SABPP's HR Research Initiative, Dr Michael Robbins - an international standards development and implementation expert, and Dr Chris Andrews from Australia's Bond University in Australia. Andrews' work has included examining three forms of audit - compliance, performance, and process.
The SABPP's HR Audit Unit's publication - in celebration of its first operational year - includes insightful and comprehensive information on the benefits of the audit, the process, and the roads into to Africa.
"In my career as a practitioner in the HR environment I was always confronted by the question of 'how do you know if you are doing the right thing in your profession and how do you measure success?' Many different measures were used...and a lot of them failed. When HR Standards were adopted by the industry I was very happy and I wanted to be in the front line in the implementing of the Standards.
The audit process was an eye opening experience... The benefits... were a better understanding of how far they [an organisation] have implemented and how much work is still left for them to do to be perfect.
The confirmation that HR is working towards the attainment of business objectives is a big and key factor."
Sabelo Plaatjie
SABPP certified HR Auditor
There is an imperative connection between the HR Audit and the National HR Standards - regardless of the size of an organisation. Lessons learned during the SABPP's HR Audit Unit's first operational year underscore the importance of the 13 elements of our National HR Standards.
1 Strategic HR Management
2 Talent Management
3 HR Risk Management
4 Workforce Planning
5 Learning and Development
6 Performance Management
7 Reward and Recognition
8 Employee Wellness
9 Employment Relations Management
10 Organisation Development
11 HR Service Delivery
12 HR Technology
13 HR Measurement.
The SABPP's naming of its first National HR Audit Report as its HR Audit Tribune...HR Audits making world history is apt given that the Oxford Dictionary defines 'tribune' as 'a champion of people's rights'!
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Gary Watkins
Gary Watkins
Managing Director
C: +27 (0)82 416 7712
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