- Written by Gary Watkins
- Published in Articles
Facing some or other form of disability is a reality all employees may encounter, whether it be the result of an existing disability, or becoming disabled due to illness or injury. Even so there is no reason why such persons cannot remain productive employees for the balance of their working life. There is also no reason why persons with disabilities should be relegated to menial employment jobs without equal opportunities for promotion and advancement.
Please click here to request our Order Form for the Disability Awareness Toolkit
This extensive toolkit includes:-
In-house training manual for disability awareness training, including a delegate workbook (100 pages):
The training content includes:-
- Introduction
- Legislative Hierarchy
3.1. The Constitution
3.2. Employment Equity Act
3.3. Disclosure of disability status
3.4. Definition of workplace disability
3.5. Long-term or recurring:
3.6. Impairment:
3.7. Substantially limiting:
- Obligations of Employers
4.1. Reasonable Accommodation
4.2. Examples of reasonable accommodation adjustments
4.3. Unjustifiable Hardship
4.4. Defining unjustifiable hardship
4.5. Diversity planning
4.6. Voluntary Self Disclosure
4.7. Employers need to tackle the barriers
4.8. Obligations under the LRA and EEA
4.9. Employers' duties
4.10. Employment Equity Plans
- Examples of disabilities
- Common impairments
6.1. Visual impairments
6.2. Hearing impairments
6.3. Physical impairments
6.4. Mental impairments
6.5. Disability Etiquette
- What obstacles do persons with disabilities face in the workplace
7.1. Physical obstacles / accessibility
7.2. Prejudice
- Accommodating persons with disabilities at various stages of employment
8.1. Advertisements
8.2. Interviewing
8.4. Onboarding
8.5. Employee who has become disabled
8.6. Promotions
8.7. Retention
8.8. Reasonable accommodation for specific disabilities
- Conclusion
- Steps for developing a strategy
- Conducting an onsite Disability Audit
- Annexures
12.1. Code of Good Practice on Persons with Disabilities
12.2. Technical Assistance Guidelines on Persons with Disabilities
12.3. Definitions
12.4. Disability Audit Template
12.5. Guidelines on Dealing with Mental Impairments
Also included in the Toolkit:-
- Suggested reasonable accommodation measures for accommodating persons with the following disabilities, including
- Bi-polar disorders
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Allergies
- Hearing and sight disabilities
- An internal disability access audit including access standards for persons with mobility, sight and hearing disabilities.
- Suggested reasonable accommodation policy for internal customisation.
- All legislation pertaining to accommodating persons with disabilities in the workplace including:-
- The Employment Equity Act
- Employment Equity regulations
- Code of Good Practice on Persons with Disabilities
- Technical Assistance Guidelines on Persons with Disabilities
- STATSA data on persons living with disabilities (STATS SA Household Survey)
- Extensive employment related caselaw on disabilities in the workplace highlighting the recommended approaches to addressing disabilities in the workplace by the Labour Court as well as interpretation of "reasonable accommodation measures" and "undue hardship".
Accommodating persons with disabilities in the workplace is increasingly a priority focus area within organisations.
Price: R2 900.00 including VAT
Release date: 28 August 2018
Delivery method: Electronic download or courier service. A charge of R100.00 will be made for door to door courier service.
Please click here to request our Order Form for the Disability Awareness Toolkit
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Gary Watkins
Gary Watkins
Managing Director
C: +27 (0)82 416 7712
T: +27 (0)10 035 4185 (Office)
F: +27 (0)86 689 7862
Website: www.workinfo.comLatest from Gary Watkins
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