- Written by Gary Watkins
- Published in articles251-300
Below is a list of acronyms and abbreviations commonly used in business sectors. Confronted by "business speak", professionals in one sector of business often find themselves at a loss in other sectors. The list is not exhaustive and new terms will be uploaded regularly. We invite professionals to contribute to this list in order to support a free-flowing exchange of knowledge.
A | |
A/V | Audio Visual |
AAMOF | As A Matter Of Fact |
AAPDF | Affirmative Action Policy Development Forum |
AAR | After Action Review |
ABE | Affirmable Business Enterprises |
ABET | Adult Basic Education and Training |
AFAIK | As Far As I Know |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
AL | Accelerated Learning |
ALARA | As Low As Reasonably Achievable |
ASA | Advertising Standards Authority |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ASTD SA | American Society for Training and Development of South Africa |
ATS | Advanced Training System |
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B | |
B&P | Bid and Proposal |
BBBEE | Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment |
BCEA | Basic Conditions of Employment Act |
BEE | Black Economic Empowerment |
BEER | Behaviour, Effect, Expectation, Results (for feedback for improvement) |
BET | Behaviour, Effect, Thanks (for positive feedback) |
BPM | Business Process Management |
BPR | Business Process Re-engineering |
BST | Basic Skills Trainer |
BTW | By The Way |
BSA | Business South Africa |
BUSA | Business Unity South Africa |
BWASA | Business Women's Association of South Africa |
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C | |
C | 100 (Roman numerals) |
CAI | Computer Aided Instruction |
CAX | Computer Assisted Exercises |
CBI | Computer Based Instruction |
Computer Based Training Competency Based Training |
CCMA | Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration |
CEE | Commission for Employment Equity |
CEEQ | Centre for the Evaluation of Educational Qualifications |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CETA | Cost Effective Training Analysis |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CM | Change Management |
CMI | Computer Managed Instruction |
COIDA | Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act |
COSATU | Congress of South African Trade Unions |
CP | Change Proposal |
CPI | Continuous Process Improvement |
CSD | Corporate Social Development |
CSI | Corporate Social Investment |
CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility |
CSS | Central Statistical Services |
CTC | Cost to Company |
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D | |
DM | District Municipality |
DMP | Data Management Plan |
DO | Dynamic Organisation |
DoE | Department of Education |
DoL | Department of Labour |
DQAD | Directorate: Quality Assurance Development |
DR | Design Review |
DSM | Don't Shoot Me |
DTI | Department of Trade and Industry |
DTP | Detailed Test Plan |
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E | |
EAP | Employee Assistance Programmes |
EBE | Empowered Business Enterprise |
ECC | Employment Conditions Commission |
ECD | Early Childhood Development |
ECR | Electronic Classroom |
EE | Employment Equity |
EEA | Employment Equity Act |
EEC | Employment Equity Committee |
EEF | Employment Equity Forum |
EMIS | Education Management System |
EMS | Electronic Management Systems |
EMT | Executive Management Team |
ENDEX | End of Exercise |
EOD | End Of Discussion |
EPSS | Electronic Performance Support System |
EQ | Emotional Quotient |
ERIC | Educational Resources Information Centre |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
ET |
Embedded Training Evaluation Tool |
ETC | Estimate To Complete |
ETD | Education, Training and Development |
ETQA | Education and Training Quality Assurance Body |
EU | European Union |
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F | |
FEDUSA | Federation of Unions of South Africa |
FET | Further Education and Training |
FICA | Financial Intelligence Centre Act |
FOJT | Formal On the Job Training |
FQAs | Frequently Asked Questions |
FRD | Family Responsibility Discrimination |
FRIDGE | Fund for Research into Industrial Development, Growth and Equity |
FTA | Free Trade Agreement |
FTX | Field Training Exercise |
FWIW | For What It's Worth |
FYCP | Future Years Corporate Plan |
FYI | For Your Information |
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G | |
GCIS | Government Communication and Information Services |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GDS | Growth and Development Summit |
GIGO | Garbage In, Garbage Out |
GSSC | Gauteng Shared Services Centre |
GTA | Graphical Training Aid |
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H | |
HDSA | Historically Disadvantaged South Africans |
HE | Higher Education |
HEQC | Higher Education Quality Committee |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HPT | Human Performance Technology |
HR | Human Resources |
HRCOSA | Human Resources Council of South Africa |
Human Resource Development Human Resources Development |
Human Resource Development Management Human Resources Development Management |
HRH | Human Resources for Health |
HRIS | Human Resource Information Systems |
Human Resource Management Human Resources Management |
HRP | Human Resources Planning |
HSEC | Health, Safety and Environmental Community |
HUMINT | Human Intelligence |
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I | |
I&D | Integration and Development |
I&KP | Instructor and Key Personnel |
I/O | Input/Output |
IAW | In Accordance With |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
ICW | Interactive Courseware |
IDC | Industrial Development Corporation |
IDP | Integrated Development Planning |
IDZ | Industrial Development Zone |
IIP | Investors in People |
IIRC | If I Recall Correctly |
IKPT | Instructor and Key Personnel Training |
ILO | International Labour Organisation |
IMHO | In My Humble Opinion |
IMI | Interactive Multimedia Instruction |
IMS | Integrated Manufacturing Strategy |
INPO | In No Particular Order |
IOW | In Other Words |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IPM | Institute of Personnel Management |
IPT | Integrated Product Team |
IQ | Intelligence Quotient |
IQI | Integration Quality Indicator |
IR | Industrial Relations |
IRPP | Integrated Resource Planning Process |
ISD | Instructional System Development |
ISETT | Information Systems, Electronics and Telecommunications Technologies |
IT |
Information Technology Instructional Technology |
ITP | Individual Training Plan |
Individual Training Standard Integrated Training System |
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J | |
JA | Job Aid |
JDC | Job Description Compiler |
JIPSA | Joint Initiative for Priority Skills Acquisition |
JITT | Just In Time Training |
JLI | Joint Learning Initiative |
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K | |
KA | Knowledge Acquisition |
KAS | Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills |
KISS | Keep It Simple Stupid |
KPA | Key Performance Areas |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
KSA | Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes |
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L | |
L | 50 (Roman numerals) |
L.T.O. | Labour Turn over |
LAB | Leadership Advisory Board |
LED | Local Economic Development |
LG | Lecture Guide |
LIFO | Last in First out |
LO | Learning Objective |
LOI | Letter of Intent |
LRA | Labour Relations Act |
LRC | Learning Resource Center |
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M | |
M | 1000 (Roman numerals) |
MAPPP | Media, Advertising, Publishing, Printing and Packaging |
MAS | Minimum Acceptable Standards |
MD | Managing Director |
MEC | Member of the Executive Council |
Metro | Metropolitan Municipality |
MINIEX | Mini Exercise |
MIS | Management Information System |
MOP | Measure Of Performance |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPA | Motivation Problem Analysis |
MPRDA | Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act |
MS | Milestone |
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N | |
NACTU | National Council of Trade Unions |
Nafcoc | National African Federated Chamber of Commerce |
NCA | National Credit Act |
NDA | National Development Agency |
NEDLAC | National Economic Development and Labour Council |
NEPAD | New Partnership for African Development |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organisation |
NHRD | National Human Resources Development |
NIPF | National Industrial Policy Framework |
NLRD | National Learners' Records Database |
NPO | Non-Profit Organisation |
NQF | National Qualifications Framework |
NQR | National Qualifications Register |
NRDF | National Rural Development Forum |
NSA | National Skills Authority |
NSB | National Standards Body |
NSDS | National Skills Development Strategy |
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O | |
OAU | Organisation of African Unity |
OBET | Out-comes-based Education and Training |
OD | Organisational Development |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OHSA | Occupational Health and Safety Act |
OJT | On the Job Training |
OOBE | Out of Box Experience |
OSH | Occupational Safety and Health |
OTM | One Time Measure |
OTOH | On The Other Hand |
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P | |
P3I | Pre-Planned Product Improvement |
PA |
Performance Assessment Personal Assistant |
PDI | Previously Disadvantaged Individuals |
PE | Practical Exercise |
PEBCAK | Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard |
PFA | Pulled from the Air |
PFMA | Public Finance Management Act |
PMFJI | Pardon Me For Jumping In |
PMO | Project Management Office |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
PPM | Policy and Procedures Manual |
Personnel Performance Profile Public Private Partnership |
PR |
Program Review Public Relations |
PRO | Public Relations Officer |
PSA | Proudly South African |
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Q | |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QC | Quality Control |
QI | Quality Improvement |
QM | Quality Management |
QMS | Quality Management Systems |
QVT | Quality Verification Test |
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R | |
R&D | Research and Development |
RAD | Rapid Application Development |
RBM | Rational Behavioural Model |
RESA | Research, Evaluation, and Systems Analysis |
RFI | Request For Information |
RFP | Request For Proposal |
RFT | Ready For Training |
ROI | Return on Investment |
RPL | Recognition of Prior Learning |
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S | |
S.E.X. | Synergistic Energy eXchange |
SABPP | South African Board of Personnel Practice |
SADC | Southern African Development Community |
SALGA | South African Local Government Association |
Sanco | South African National Civic Organisation |
SAQA | South African Qualifications Authority |
SARS | South African Revenue Services |
SAT | Systems Approach to Training |
SAYC | South African Youth Council |
SDA | Skills Development Act |
SDF | Skills Development Facilitator |
SDLA | Skills Development Levies Act |
SESD | Support for Education and Skills Development |
SETA | Sector Education and Training Authority |
SGB | Standards Generating Body |
SGI | Small Group Instruction |
SGL | Small Group Leader |
SHE | Safety, Health and Environment |
SHEQ | Safety, Health, Environment & Quality |
SIM | Simulator |
SIMTECH | Simulation Technology |
SITD | Still In The Dark |
SKA | Skills, Knowledge, Attitude |
SMART | Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time based (objective and goal setting) |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SMME | Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises |
SOA | Service Oriented Architecture |
SOO | Statement Of Objectives |
SOW | Statement Of Work |
SPEC | Specification |
SQT | Skills Qualification Test |
SSA | Statistics South Africa |
SSP | Sector Skills Plan |
STRAP | System Training Plan |
STX | Situational Training Exercise |
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T | |
T&D | Training and Development |
T&E | Training And Evaluation |
TA |
Transactional Analysis Transitional Analysis |
TADS | Training Analysis Data Sheet |
TADSS | Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations |
TBA | To Be Announced |
TBD | To Be Determined |
TDNS | Training Development Needs Statement |
TDS | Training Development Study |
TE | Training Emphasis |
Training Effectiveness Advocate Training Effectiveness Analysis |
TEE | Training Effectiveness Evaluation |
TEEP | Training Effectiveness Evaluation Plan |
TEMP | Test and Evaluation Master Plan |
TETA | Transport Education and Training Authority |
TFT | Technical Feasibility Test |
THETA | Tourism, Hospitality & Sport Education & Training Authority |
THRIP | Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme |
TINSTAAFL | There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch |
TKT | Threshold Knowledge Test |
TLA | Training Level Assignment |
TLO | Terminal Learning Objective |
TM | Technical Manual |
TMO | Training Material Outline |
TMP | Training Management Plan |
TO | Task Order |
TOIS | Task Oriented Instructional System |
TOS | Training Objective Statement |
TPR | Trained Personnel Requirement |
TPTB | The Powers That Be |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
TQR | Training Quality Report |
TR | Training Requirement |
TRADE | Training Devices |
TSA | Training Situation Analysis |
TSFC | Training System Functional Characteristics |
TSP | Training Support Package |
TT | Technical Test |
TTHSS | Touch, Taste, Hear, Sight, Smell (5 Senses) |
TWI | Training Within Industry |
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U | |
UIF | Unemployment Insurance Fund |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme |
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V | |
VAK | Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic |
VDT | Visual Display Terminal |
VI | Visual Information |
VV&A | Verification, Validation, and Accreditation |
VV&C | Verification, Validation and Certification |
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W | |
W&SP | Workforce and Succession Planning |
WBI | Web Based Instruction |
WBPSS | Web Based Performance Support System |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure |
WHO | World Health Organisation |
WIIFM | What's In It For Me |
WISN | Workload Indicators for Staffing Needs |
WYSBYGI | What You See Before You Get It |
WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get |
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X | |
X | 10 (Roman numerals) |
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Y | |
YAFA | Yet Another Fine Acronym |
YMMV | Your Mileage May Vary |
YOYO | You're On Your Own |
YTD | Year To Date |
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Z | |
ZD | Zero Defects |
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Gary Watkins
Gary Watkins
Managing Director
C: +27 (0)82 416 7712
T: +27 (0)10 035 4185 (Office)
F: +27 (0)86 689 7862
Website: www.workinfo.comRelated items
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