updated 6:45 PM, Apr 4, 2024 Africa/Johannesburg
National and Regional Economically Active Population Profile QLFS Q3:2021
National and Regional Economically Active Population Profile QLFS Q2:2021
Consolidated Directions on Occupational Health and Safety Measures in certain workplaces as at 11 Ju
COVID19TERS Benefits as at 20 July 2021
Adjusted Level 3 Lockdown - 25 July 2021
Facilities Regulations, 2004
PoPIA Compliance: The Use and Processing of Data
Infor Becomes Founding Sponsor of The Smart Factory @ Wichita
Understanding the role of Temporary Employment Service providers in your organisation’s Health and S
Knowing the difference between Business Process Outsourcing and Temporary Employment Services may gi
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Psychometric Assessments (7)

SHL Talent Report Provides Unprecedented Insight on the Global Workforce

SHL Talent Report Provides Unprecedented Insight on the Global Workforce   International leadership indices reveals talent time bomb in South Africa Female leaders rank 14 in the world for capability but gender divide can’t be broken   Pretoria, SA – 26February 2013– SHL, the global leader in talent measurement, today announces the release of the first annual Talent Report, providing…
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The History of Intelligence Testing by Nicola Taylor & Paul Vorster

The History of Intelligence Testing by Nicola Taylor & Paul Vorster JvR Africa (Re-printed with permission) Intelligence: Probably the most controversial of psychological constructs. Many wonderful and more awful things have been done in the name of intelligence. So, why do we still hang on to it? Well, it happens to be a very useful construct, and the measures thereof…
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Myers Briggs Type Indicator: simplifies the mysteries of personality for employees

People develop different ways of categorising the world around them to enhance their understanding of it.  There are a number of systems which have evolved over time in order to define how individuals do this.  In the early 19th Century Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler became prominent psychological theorists. Jung a Swiss psychiatrist developed a theory of categorisation…
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The High Price Of Career Lies by Deborah L. Jacobs

The High Price Of Career Lies Written by Deborah L. Jacobs, Forbes Staff   Scott Thompson resigned as CEO of Yahoo after a discrepancy on his résumé came to light. Why did Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson fudge his résumé? That’s the question that lingers in the wake of his resignation yesterday just four months after taking the helm. Ever since…
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The Basics of Psychometrics by Jani de Beer

The Basics of Psychometrics Author: Jani de Beer JvR Africa (Re-printed with permission)   Psychometrics is an interesting and rewarding field of study, which offers psychometrists and psychologists a valuable offering to clients, especially in the performance driven world of business, where the ‘bottom line’ is king. When dealing with managers and CEO’s we are often required to “sell” our…

Safeguarding HR Processes from Dishonesty and Psychopathic Behaviour based on ‘Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work’ by P Babaik & R D Hare

The authors highlighted both Hiring Practices and Succession Planning as the most vulnerable HR functions to the dangers presented to them by psychopaths. Often management complain about the length of time that these processes take and that HR Practitioners only complicate them more. In reality when done properly these processes should ensure the short and long term viability and prosperity…

Book Review: Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work by P Babaik & R D Hare

Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work Buy this book now, click here   This book is well on the way to becoming a classic. It is often quoted in the media in connection with high profile fraud cases. The topic of pathology within the workplace is becoming more prevalent because organisations have moved from bureaucracies to transitional based…
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